Who We Are

Koshish Seva Foundation is a registered NGO committed to fostering economic growth in rural areas. Our work revolves around creating new farmers and equipping them with the skills needed to thrive in animal husbandry, which is a primary occupation in many rural communities. We believe in the power of self-sustenance and are dedicated to providing the tools and knowledge necessary for rural individuals to achieve a better quality of life.

Koshish Seva Foundation has been at the forefront of creating livelihoods in the rural sector through various agricultural and allied sciences, including farm and non-farm training, artificial insemination, dairy farming, and farmer education and extension in livestock development. These initiatives have benefited thousands of farmers by improving cattle breeds, increasing incomes, and creating job opportunities for rural youth. Leveraging its expertise, the foundation has grown into a comprehensive rural development organization focusing on agriculture, animal husbandry, livelihoods, skill development, education, women empowerment, and environmental sustainability. Aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Koshish Seva Foundation partners with government bodies, NGOs, corporate foundations, and CSR partners to accelerate rural development.
Our Philosophy: Empowering Rural Livelihoods Through Mission and Impact

Simple ideas can indeed be incredibly powerful.
Three years ago, we had an idea: rather than merely providing food to impoverished farming families, we should equip them with livestock and the necessary training to achieve self-sufficiency. During natural calamities, it became clear that a single cup of milk was insufficient. This led us to ask, "What if they had not just a cup, but a cow?"

But this idea alone did not make Koshish Seva Foundation what it is today—you did.
Your support drives our success, and your continued involvement and input will be key to strengthening and sustaining Koshish Seva Foundation's future.